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Riding into 2021!

Can you believe it’s 2021? This time last year we were carefree and ready to conquer 2020. Last year our team was at CES in Las Vegas, NV getting ready to meet with people from all over the world coming to the conference. Now CES is all digital this year which is a change we face with the pandemic. 

We did get to meet and ride in Red Rock Canyon with the Las Vegas Super Squad during our visit last year. What a majestic place…geez. We started bright and early getting to the Visitor’s Center to meet up with everyone. If you don’t think Vegas gets cold, think again. It was freezing and some of us weren’t prepared for this kind of chill in the air. But over 30+ riders showed up and we had a blast riding the 14.5-mile paved loop. I definitely recommend taking the trip out there.

Looking back I remember seeing some of the Kickstarter bikes (Original 2016) lined up on the hill at Lions Lighthouse in Long Beach, CA. I believe it was early 2017 from the post I saw. At that time I had met and visited Lithium Cycles but didn’t have a bike yet until April. So, with knowing this, we decided to make the journey back up to Long Beach to recreate the photo for 2021. 

What better way to spend a weekend morning on a Super73 with the Super Squad. There were about 18 of us that met this past Saturday at The Pikes Outlet in Long Beach. New and familiar faces connecting over the brand, community, and things in common. It’s really cool seeing riders chatting with each other who have never met in-person and now are riding together and exchanging contact info. That’s how I met some of my good friends; Elijah, Paul, Tristan, Chris…the list goes on. Aaron (Super73 co-founder) and I even went to Tristan and Stef’s wedding a few years back on the beach. We were on our Super73’s wearing Ruroc helmets just off to the side on a grassy area seeing our brother get married. Pretty sweet experience to be included in this special moment in their lives. 

Before starting the ride, we took a moment of silence for our fallen brother Vic that recently passed. He will be missed. The route took us over the bridge to the Queen Mary and back over to the aquarium. Then there’s a path to take you to the lighthouse. Couldn’t have picked a nicer day. The air was brisk but the sun was out and barely a cloud in the sky. We all lined up and took this shot in front of the lighthouse. It’s like we’ve come full circle. Paying homage to the past as we look forward to this year and beyond. Yes, we would have loved for a bigger group but we’ll all ride again soon once things get better. We hope to have somethings planned later this year for the community to come together from coast to coast and over the pond. We’re not out of this yet but we’re here to support you in any way we can. 

As always, have fun and ride safe. 

photos: @tristan_super73