Bike to Work Week/Day

Celebrate National Bike Month by participating in Bike to Work Week (May 16-22) and Bike to Work Day (Fri. May 20)! 

With gas prices this high, there’s no better time to hop on your bike for your daily commute. Some people are still working from home or their commute is just a bit too far for them to take advantage. But if you do have the means, give it a try. Whether you’re on a bicycle or electric bike, like a Super73, that boring mundane daily drive could give you a different perspective this time around. 

For myself, I’m lucky to live right by the Back Bay Loop Trail in Newport Beach, CA. It’s a regional trail that spans 10.5 miles with various entry points. A scenic trail open year-round for hikers, bikers, and slow-moving autos on the Eastside going oneway. I’m an early bird so I don’t see much traffic on the freeways or highways but it is a nice change of pace when I get to take my bike out knowing I really don’t have to deal with the normal traffic on my way to the office. 


Before leaving the house I do my pre-ride check. I bust out my portable electric air pump and check the PSI levels. I check the brakes and of course the battery to make sure I have enough juice for the ride. Safety first as I put on my helmet and gloves. I also wear closed-toe shoes like VANS, a windbreaker jacket or long-sleeve t-shirt, and jeans/pants. Away I go starting from Westcliff going north on Dover to Irvine Ave. Irvine Ave. is a busy street but there is plenty of bike lane to feel safe. Once I hit Santiago I’m hitting some top speeds leading into the s-curves. From there, I’m able to make a right on Mesa Dr. and continue to head east towards Jamboree Rd. I then can get over the bridge and link up with the Mountain to Sea Trail & Bikeway. This trail runs parallel with University Dr. going past UC Irvine. I make a left on Campus Dr., a right on Teller Ave., and I pull into the parking lot from about a 16-18 minute ride with minimal traffic and impact on the environment.

For me, it makes sense to make this commute on a bike as I’m less than 20 minutes (by bike) away from the office. I absolutely see the benefits of riding a bike instead of hopping into a car for multiple reasons and will continue to after we celebrate this week. Also, Google Maps just released a feature providing eco-friendly routes. Essentially mapping out your destination with the lowest carbon footprint. I hope this encourages you to try it out for yourself.

As always, ride safe and have fun! 


Review: Arclight Pedals


Ride your Super73 on Earth Day