E-bike Group Ride Hand Signals

photo: Tristan Ervin

photo: Tristan Ervin

Although hand gestures or hand signals might not be the norm in the e-bike space, it’s a good idea to learn these basics for future use. 

I got my Class M1 (motorcycle) license late last year and I’m grateful I did. Motorcycle hand gestures are commonly used when riding in a large group to communicate with riders like when your signal lights are damaged. As one who organizes weekly to monthly group rides for the Super Squad, it’s an imperative skill to have when leading any size group safely. 

Here are some essential hand signals to properly communicate with your squad. (illustrations coming soon)

Left Turn
Arm and hand extending left, palm facing down.

Right Turn
Left-arm out, bent at 90° angle, fist clinched or Right arm and hand extending right palm facing down.

Left arm extended straight down, palm facing back.

Hazard in Pathway
Point with your left or right-hand index finger 

Speed Up
Left arm extended straight out, palm facing up, swing upward.

Slow Down
Left arm extended straight out, palm facing down, swing down to your side. 

Follow Me
Left arm extended straight up from the shoulder, palm forward. 

A good amount of us in SoCal are rocking Bluetooth communication devices like the SENA 30K or 50S. I’ll post a Tech Review on the SENA devices I use on rides soon. The Mesh-Network communication system has been an amazing tool to communicate back and forth with the group. I recommend checking SENA out for yourself. 

As always, have fun and ride safe. 


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